Records request management software – the most popular FAQs asked by data privacy experts

If, like other organizations you currently handle records requests manually, or perhaps with a spreadsheet-based system, you probably have a lot of questions about switching to a purpose-built solution but aren’t ready to look outside your organization for help. In this week’s blog post, we discuss the most common questions we’re asked.

ComplyKey Control

ComplyKEY Control allows you to ‘pause the clock’ or ‘reset the clock’, depending on the legislation of the act that you are working with.

Yes, we have a multi-lingual option.  Contact a member of our team to learn more.

Delegates have access to their own dashboard. The overall information governance manager in your organization can have their own customized dashboards.

Through a public portal or email that enables the fast, simple, and secure creation of uniformed requests straight into ComplyKEY Control. Once you have internet access the record requests are accessible anywhere, anytime.

Our expertise is on hand to customize your processes. We understand every industry and location has a variety of needs.  Our consultants work with you to customize the software to fit your processes. Your team uses invaluable sector knowledge to transform requests into categorized cases in two clicks. Each categorization is agreed upon, repeatable, and assigned automatic deadlines. The risk of human error is minimized, and compliance is maintained.

As ComplyKEY Control is a living and breathing software, reporting insights are essential to pinpoint bottlenecks, detect emerging risks, manage staff workloads, and receive notifications of approaching deadlines. You can also manage the Self-Service via the public Disclosure Log. This video gives a quick overview of the entire process.

Yes.  When it comes to managing records requests, this is, for confidential purposes

ComplyKEY Control is ISO27001:2013 UKAS Certified Cyber Essentials Certified

Both the dashboard and the individual case have search features.  Here’s a quick overview.

Excel, Google Sheets, etc. are extremely useful tools. However, unlike record request management software they weren’t built to support an efficient and collaborative workflow, prove regulatory compliance, and turn requests into fully audited cases. In, fact in October 2023 the Information Commissioner’ s Office advised organizations to ‘Avoid using spreadsheets with hundreds or thousands of rows. Invest in data management systems which support data integrity.’

Read this blog post for more in-depth information.

Yes, ComplyKEY has an export feature – we believe in keeping things simple.

ComplyKEY is Azure in your region

Yes.  Record requests should be handled confidentially.

You will receive a notification each time a record request is submitted.

Yes. the self-service feature allows you to access and control the Disclosure Log quickly and easily.

This is done via delegations, and you can set up auto reminders. Your appointed consultant will go through your requirements and best practices as part of the set-up and onboarding process.

Great question! Your current process is our starting point., We will review your current process via consultancy process. This is the critical piece that aligns the workflow to your exact requirements, and it enables you to fully customize the interface and workflow to your organization and processes

Yes, we have flexibility in how we sell so if you only need RoPA or records request then that’s fine

Yes, based on your interests and role. A sample dashboard is on the homepage of this website or to see it in action arrange a demo. 

Internal & external emails e.g., when delegating tasks or when fulfilling a request. No need to spend hours sifting through responses manually; simply select from our library of rich emails and send them directly to requestors

Correct – the data on ComplyKEY is encrypted for added security.

Yes. The software also allows you to gain real-time insights into processes and workloads

ComplyKey Content - Email Data

Yes, with MailMeter, you can set up granular destruction of messages based on your retention periods and user groups or based on tags or labels attached to a message from the MailMeter Archive.

When you perform a search, the data is queried against the index file based on your search query. Only when you click on the email, the software retrieves it in an uncompressed format. This indexing method allows for swift and efficient email searches. ComplyKEY’s MailMeter software also handles message compression and single-instance storage.

Implementation takes just a few hours, not days. Our software is user-friendly, requires minimal training, and is straightforward to deploy, manage, and operate.

End-users cannot delete messages from the archive. Administrators can set up retention policies, which can be date-based or message-specific, to meet any litigation hold requirements. Any searchable criteria, such as keywords or mailboxes, can be used to set up a retention period.

ComplyKEY’s MailMeter software seamlessly integrates with major email platforms, including all versions of Microsoft Exchange (including hosted), Microsoft 365 and Gmail.

Yes, ComplyKEY offers professional services for data migration.

Absolutely. All messages are time and date-stamped, and the software offers authenticity features, including a digital signature, to ensure emails or attachments have not been tampered with.

Yes, ComplyKEY archives all emails that pass through the email server, both internal and external.

No, it doesn’t. Our non-intrusive software has no impact on your email server’s performance.

Yes, our MailMeter products support data migration. Migration and ingestion of existing customer data are handled by the software from files in either .pst or .eml format. The process includes actively importing and ingesting local .pst files. This solution is invaluable during email platform migrations.

The advantages of a software-based solution include greater deployment flexibility, disaster recovery readiness, and scalability. Additionally, it provides efficient space management and quick data accessibility in case of server issues.

With MailMeter, simply point our software to the network location where the PST files are stored or to individual PST files. The software imports the data into the Archive, analyzing emails and attachments to keep only one copy accessible to relevant users. This can significantly reduce storage space.

MailMeter collects emails in three ways for Exchange: Historical capture, PST import, and Journaling. Each method has unique advantages to suit your needs.

ComplyKey Content - File Data

Archiving updates, the file reporting database every 5 minutes, ensuring an accurate representation of your server. It also simplifies file and folder retrieval, making it quick and straightforward.

ComplyKEY Content archiving policies can be customized based on various criteria, including file age, size, type, owner, and more. These policies help you manage your data effectively.

Most clients implement a simple policy based on file age, combined with criteria like folders, to suit their specific needs.

File archiving reduces your backup window by offering visibility into your files, allowing you to clean up older, unnecessary files. You can also apply an ‘archive and delete’ policy for older data, reducing the amount of data to be backed up.

The product consists of two main data components: SQL Server and Archive Volumes. Standard SQL backup utilities can be used for SQL Server, while Archive Volumes only need to be backed up once after the initial full backup.

The SQL server builds at a rate of 1GB per million files, and the archive volumes should be approximately half the size of your server, depending on the number of duplicate files.

We recommend stubbing files (using 1k shortcuts) and moving those instead of the whole files. Additionally, implementing an “archive and delete” policy for older files can reduce the data to be transferred during migration.

Yes, the software is managed via an electronic license key, allowing you to start with reporting and add archiving later without the need for a new installation.

It depends on your policy. If you have an access-based policy, the file won’t be re-stubbed. However, we recommend using the last modified as the policy, so re-archiving occurs if files are accessed.

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